不良的飲食習慣比吸煙危害更大 Bad Diets Worse Than Smoking

Bad Diets Worse Than Smoking

一项发表在《柳叶刀》(The Lancet)杂志上的重要研究显示,在2017年,不良的饮食习惯造成了全球1100万例可以预防的死亡案例,这个数据甚至超过了吸烟导致的死亡人数。最大的问题不在于过多的垃圾食品,而在于摄取不够多富含营养的食物。研究人员呼吁全球改变政策,鼓励人们吃更多的水果和蔬菜。相较于肉类,研究人员较推荐摄取更多的植物性蛋白质,例如:大豆,这对心脏健康更为有益。

Bad Diets Worse Than Smoking
According to a major study published in The Lancet, bad diets are responsible for 11 million preventable deaths globally in 2017, even more than smoking. The biggest issue is not too much junk food; it is not enough nutritious food. Researchers are calling for a global shift in policies to promote eating more fruits and vegetables. They also recommend more plant-sourced protein, such as soy, over meats, as this is healthier for the heart.

The relationship between dietary habits and chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) has been extensively investigated.
 Long-term randomised trials with NCD endpoints have not been feasible for most dietary factors, but synthesis of other lines of epidemiological evidence, including long-term prospective observational studies and short-term trials of intermediate outcomes, have provided supporting evidence for potential causal relationships between specific dietary factors (eg, fruits, vegetables, processed meat, and trans fat intake) and NCDs (ischaemic heart disease, diabetes, and colorectal cancer).

The Lancet 《柳叶刀》: https://www.thelancet.com/
The Lancet is a weekly peer-reviewed general medical journal. It is among the world’s oldest and best-known general medical journals.

Eexcel Plant food, vegetables

Vegetables and Fruits

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