Monk fruit, also known as lo han guo or Swingle fruit, is a small round fruit native to southern China. Monk fruit gets its sweetness from natural compounds called mogrosides and the sweetness ranges from being 150-200 sweeter than sugar.
Due to its sweetness level, a lot of people may ask this question: Can people with diabetes consume monk fruit?
The answer is YES. It is because of the mogrosides in monk fruit which doesn’t raise blood sugar levels, making it a safe option for people with diabetes. Besides, it has been given the stamp of approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and given the title of Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS). Moreover, studies demonstrated that it also contains antioxidants which can fight off free radicals to reduce health problems such as cancer and heart disease.
Monk fruit sugar has been approved for general use in the U.S., so children and pregnant people can enjoy it as well. If diabetic patients want to drink monk fruit beverages, be mindful of the added sugar and study the product label, as many monk fruit beverages on the market still contain a high level of sugars.

Nowadays, weight loss is a very hot topic. In order to fix the craving of carbonated sugary drinks while preventing you from getting fat, there is no “real sugar” added to diet soda. That’s why diet coke or zero sugar coke are being sold in the market. However, is diet coke really good for you?
Diet or zero sugar added soda is added with artificial sweeteners which does not contribute to any calories and thus makes it an alternative for carbonated sugary drinks with low calories but with sweetness.
While many of us have turned to diet soda at one time or another in an attempt to keep our cravings for sugary sweets at bay, recent studies suggest that our brains react to artificial sweeteners the same way they react to regular sweets: the more artificial sweeteners we ingest, the more our bodies crave sweetness, which could increase the likelihood of giving into temptation and eating that extra brownie or cookie.
Besides, animal studies have convincingly proven that artificial sweeteners cause weight gain, brain tumors, bladder cancer and many other health hazards. Some health related side effects including carcinogenicity are also noted in humans.
When it comes to weight loss, instead of opting for a quick fix in the form of diet soda, focus instead on habits that can provide long-term benefits such as eating more fruits and vegetables.

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