Health: Sleeping less than 5 Hours Boosts the risk of illness

Sleeping less than 5 Hours Boosts the risk of illness

We live busy lifestyles. And the more driven, ambitious, and connected we are, the busier we stay. A lot of people might not getting enough sleep due to busy lifestyle and stress. However, they didn’t know how much does it affects to our health.
A new study from PLoS Medicine found those who sleep five hours or less around the age of 50 have a 30% greater risk of multiple illnesses than those who sleep seven hours.

The study used data spanning 25 years and examined whether sleep duration is associated with incidence of a first chronic disease, subsequent multimorbidity and mortality. It found shorter sleep at 50 was also associated with a higher risk of death during the study period, mainly linked to the increased risk of chronic disease.

It’s important to get enough sleep. Without enough sleep, it’s tough to focus and you tend to have more negative emotional reactions and fewer positive ones. Thus, sleep well and live a healthy lifestyle are very important to reduce the risk of illness.


We’re conditioned in a society to work 24/7 and everyone is constantly comparing the hustle and how much sleep they actually get on a daily basis. Even though these people can complete more tasks in a short period of time, their long term health will ultimately be affected as their immune system will start to be compromised.

When a person gets enough sleep (7-8 hours for adults, 9-10 hours for teenagers), their body is able to release cytokines to ensure a better sleep. When the body is unable to get sufficient rest, the immune system isn’t able to produce enough cytokines, hence people with fewer hours of sleep on a daily basis will realize that it takes a longer time for them to recover from a common flu.

Getting sufficient hours of high-quality sleep enables a well-balanced immune defense that features strong innate and adaptive immunity, efficient response to vaccines, and less severe allergic reactions. Long-term effects from lack of sleep also include risk of diseases such as obesity & diabetes.

3 ways to Prevent Radiation from Electronic Device

3 ways to Prevent Radiation from Electronic Device

Due to busy lifestyles these days, white-collar workers always spend a lot of time in front of computers and are exposed to radiation through digital devices such as computers and mobile phones. Thus, the body’s health will be harmed which results in skin turning pale and spots starting to emerge. Not only that, busy schedules with a lack of free time may lead to dull complexion and lack of energy.

Here are the three simple steps that aid white-collar workers in their battle against radiation!

✨Complete cleaning
It is preferable to cleanse our faces before sleep. To do so, thoroughly wash your face with warm water and a facial cleanser or makeup remover before cleansing.

✨Add a plant
Computer radiation is absorbed by numerous plants. Cacti, among them, are the best at absorbing radiation since they are native to an area with intense sunshine and have a significant capacity to do so. Besides, cacti are also known as “lazy plants” which are able to grow with little care and maintenance.

✨Consume Green Tea
Green tea has excellent detoxifying qualities. This is because green tea contains a lot of tea polyphenols and lipopolysaccharides, which can effectively block the entry of radioactive chemicals into the human body by not only preventing oxidation but also boosting immunity.

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