Suboptimal health status (SHS), or subhealth or sub-health (Chinese: 亚健康), can be defined as a state characterized by some disturbances in psychological behaviors or physical characteristics, or in some indices of medical examination, with no typical pathologic features.
According to experts, 70% of adults are in a sub-health state in today’s society.
What is subhealth? What are the symptoms?
Between being healthy and being ill, sub-health has the following 12 early warning signs:
1. Exhaustion: frequently experience fatigue, which is not relieved by adequate sleep
2. Feeling weak: general weakness brought on by unidentified factors, such as feeling weary after climbing a few stairs or after working till late in the day
3. Insomnia: Unable to sleep properly
4. Dizziness: Unable to concentrate due to frequent dizziness
5. Forgetfulness: As memory deteriorates, it’s common to forget what you were just about to do, such as forgetting to bring the key with you when you leave the house or getting interrupted while doing something and then forgetting what to do next
6. Anorexia: lack of appetite, becoming a picky eater, depressed mood
7. Dry throat: There is no inflammation, but the throat is dry and uncomfortable, tight, and clogged
8. Pain: inexplicable pressure in the chest, chest pain, low back pain, muscular pain, and joint pain that is not localized
9. Depression: Low mood, prone to worry or anxiety, frequently feeling agitated or afraid
10. Lack of interest in anything: frequently a blank mind
11. Low fever: body temperature frequently above 37.5 °C but falls below 38 °C
12. Reduced desire and sexual performance.
If you exhibit any of the aforementioned symptoms, you are already in a sub-health condition.

Many research and surveys indicate that many members of contemporary society are in a suboptimal-health condition.
Chronic diseases can readily develop as a result of sub-health.
Moreover, as the population ages more rapidly, some elderly people also have sub-health status, examples include arthritis, cognitive deterioration, and muscle atrophy.
In fact, the term “basic sub-health” describes a person who is not sufficiently healthy.
Sub-health is typically brought on by unhealthy food and lifestyle choices, as well as insufficient exercise and rest.
Sub-health state symptoms such as exhaustion, headaches, sleeplessness, memory loss, loss of appetite, indigestion, and lowered immunity are signs of sub-health condition.
If immediate actions are not performed quickly, the sub-health condition may trigger the development of a number of chronic diseases, including high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and others.
Hence, if we wish to improve sub-health, we should maintain below habits: Stable emotions
Moderate physical activity
Balanced diet

Optimism is a necessary prerequisite for developing a good perspective in life. It is more likely to persist in those with healthy bodies and minds.