iHeath News: Exercise More and Maintain a Healthy Weight for a Healthy Gut

Exercise More and Maintain a Healthy Weight for a Healthy Gut

Exercise helps keep our gut microbiota healthy. Researchers found that exercise of moderate duration (more than 150 minutes per week) increased the diversity of the gut microbiome. How long a person exercises is more important than the intensity of the exercise for improving gut microbes. Since a poor diet can still outweigh the beneficial influence of exercise on gut microbes, it is important to also maintain a healthy weight.


April 2023

Walking May Help Knee Osteoarthritis

A multiyear study has found that among participants with knee osteoarthritis, those who walked for exercise had a 40% decrease in the likelihood of experiencing frequent knee pain. On X-ray, those who walked also showed less severe disease. This suggests that walking may help reduce symptoms of knee osteoarthritis and slow down the destruction of the joints.

一项多年的研究发现,在患有膝关节炎的研究对象中,经常步行锻炼的人士出现频繁膝关节疼痛的可能性降低了40%。X 光片也显示,经常步行的人士即使罹患疾病,病情亦较不严重。这表明步行可能有助于减轻膝关节炎的症状,并减缓关节的受损进程。

June 2022

Simple Tips for Health Joints
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