Low Intake of Vegetables and Fruits Results in Millions of Deaths 低蔬果摄取量导致了数百万人的死亡

iHealth News - Low Intake of Vegetables and Fruits Results in Millions of Deaths

Low Intake of Vegetables and Fruits Results in Millions of Deaths
In 2010, low fruit intake and low vegetable intake resulted in nearly 2 million deaths and 1 million deaths respectively, according to research findings presented at Nutrition 2019, the American Society for Nutrition annual meeting. Researchers from the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University endorse the need to focus on increasing the consumption of protective foods like fruits and vegetables. It’s a modifiable component of the diet that can help prevent deaths with a tremendous potential for improving global health.

发表在美国营养学会年度会议Nutrition 2019的研究结果显示,在2010年,低水果摄取量导致了近200万人死于心脏病,而低蔬菜摄取量导致了约100万人的死亡。美国塔夫茨大学弗里德曼营养科学与政策学院的研究人员认为,有必要将关注点集中在增加蔬菜水果等保护性食物的摄取量之上。蔬果的摄取是饮食中可以改变的要素,这有助于预防死亡,并且具有改善全球健康的巨大潜力。

Preliminary findings from a new study reveal that inadequate fruit and vegetable consumption may account for millions of deaths from heart disease and strokes each year. The study estimated that roughly 1 in 7 cardiovascular deaths could be attributed to not eating enough fruit and 1 in 12 cardiovascular deaths could be attributed to not eating enough vegetables.

American Society for Nutrition (ASN) https://www.mdpi.com/
Dedicated to bringing together the world’s top researchers, clinical nutritionists, and industry to advance our knowledge and application of nutrition.

June 27, 2020 is ‘Eat Your Vegetables’ Day! There are many ways to cook vegetables to suit your palate. Different cooking styles bring out different flavors and textures from vegetables. Try these cooking methods for your choice of vegetables today!

June 27, 2020 是“蔬菜日”! 有很多方法可以烹调蔬菜,以适合您不同的口味需求。不同的烹饪方式让蔬菜呈现不同的风味和口感。快试试这些方法来煮蔬菜吧!


巧绿 SOYGREEN除了含有多种蔬菜,还含有植物性蛋白质以及纤维的优质来源,大豆和洋车前子。摄取低热量的饮食时,确保充足的蛋白质摄入量非常重要,因为它有助于防止肌肉的流失。肌肉比脂肪燃烧更多的热量。洋车前子中的可溶性纤维,为您提供每天所需的营养。




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