健康生活 – 益生菌 Probiotics

Can probiotics help with constipation?

A healthy and diverse population of friendly gut bacteria can help improve digestion and relieve symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. But probiotics (beneficial bacteria found in certain foods and supplements) only contain a few different strains of bacteria, hardly contributing to the diversity. 

Fiber, on the other hand, has a direct impact on constipation. It can help stools move along more quickly. What’s more, fiber feeds the friendly gut bacteria so that they increase in number and kind. Fiber is found in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes. 





Probiotics are living bacteria taken to promote digestive health. They have the potential to evolve once inside the body and become harmful. Research has shown how some probiotics can attack the protective coating of the intestine and increase the risk of conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome. Unhealthy “junk” food diets with no fiber boost the chance of probiotics undergoing harmful changes. High-fiber diets, which promote gut bacteria diversity, are protective.

Probiotics are live microorganisms that provide health benefits when consumed, including enhancement of gut epithelial barrier function, blocking of pathogen binding, and vitamin synthesis. There has been increasing success in expanding the therapeutic scope and efficacy of probiotics through genetic engineering, with prior work demonstrating preclinical efficacy against infectious and metabolic diseases.

Cell Press
Cell Press publishes over 50 scientific journals across the life, physical, earth, and health sciences, both independently and in partnership with scientific societies.

Gut Microbiota

Fibertalk 纤语

Healthtalk (FiberTalk) 5 – Plant fibers are natural prebiotics

FiberTalk is a fiber-rich powdered beverage made from psyllium husk, banana, and orange to effectively regulate bowel movements, improve skin healthregulate cholesterol levelsmanage blood sugar levels, and promote healthy weight management


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