Over the years, there are women who are shameful of talking about menstrual problems. If problems with your periods are affecting your life, you need to treat it today to avoid any further serious problems.
Painful periods during the first two days? Usually, most of the women take painkillers to ease the pain.
Irregular periods may indicate that you do not ovulate every month. On top of that, the balance of the female hormones may be upset.
Some women suffer from dysmenorrhea for a long time but ignore it. Some think it is a “natural phenomenon” and will heal without medicine. As a result, their quality of life will be affected, such as poor school performance, frequent sick leave, bad mood, poor friends or partner relationship, etc. If dysmenorrhea has surprising symptoms, affecting life and fertility, it is necessary to be vigilant!
How to treat these problems?
Eat a healthy diet includes plenty of grains, fruits, vegetables, good sources healthy vitamins.
Protect your womb as it is affecting your menstrual cycles. Drink Rosytime as it helps the ovary and uterus to function at its best by nourishing the female organs.
A woman who has a menstrual problem such as painful periods. For instance, your period did not come on time, too much or too little menstrual flow.
RosyTime is rich of Antioxidants that may encourage Collagen production, reduce damage by harmful UV Rays and protect against Free Radical damage.
The main ingredients in Rosytime include:
Cactus Fruit: Help to remove excessive toxins in our body and prevent the aging of internal organs
Acerola Cherry: Improve immune system, reduce the risk of uterine fibroids and ovarian cancer.
Cranberry: It helps to contract the pelvic floor and tighten the vagina.
Rose: Rose helps to tighten the uterus while effectively prevent the uterine prolapse.
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