服用过量的维生素A和β-胡萝卜素补充剂会产生不良副作用,如:骨骼脆弱、肝脏中毒、可能对胎儿造成伤害以及增加肺癌的罹患风险。但当维生素作为完整植物性食物(如:胡萝卜或番茄)中的一部分来食用时,则不会对身体有害。 事实上,它还对您有好处!带来的诸多好处如:减少, 的发生风险,也能降低罹患眼部疾病的机率。
There are bad side effects from taking too much vitamin A and beta-carotene supplements, such as bone weakness, liver toxicity, possible harm to fetuses, and increased risk of lung cancer. However, when vitamins are eaten as part of a wholesome plant, such as carrot or tomato, there are no listed harmful effects. In fact, it’s good for you – it can have benefits such as decreasing the risk of cancers in the lung, mouth, pharynx, larynx, and esophagus, and decreasing the risk of eye disease.
– Consuming too much vitamin A causes hair loss, cracked lips, dry skin, weakened bones, headaches, elevations of blood calcium levels, and an uncommon disorder characterized by increased pressure within the skull called idiopathic intracranial hypertension.
– The diagnosis is based on symptoms and blood tests.
– Most people recover completely when they stop taking vitamin A supplements.
Source: https://www.msdmanuals.com/en-sg/home/disorders-of-nutrition/vitamins/vitamin-a-excess
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